Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Can Video Games Help Literacy?

If you could post your answers to these questions that would greatly help my paper. I am writing a paper about if literacy and video games can work in harmony with each other. Please also let me know whether or not you are okay with me using your name in my paper. If you are not registered with blogger then please email me your answers (in order please!) at Thank you for helping!
  1. Do you play video games?
  2. If so, what types of games (like shooting, strategy, pc, dance, consoles, etc.)?
  3. Do you play alot?
  4. What genres do you play the most (action, adventure, mystery, etc.)?
  5. Do you read?
  6. Do you read books, internet, or something else (if so what?)?
  7. What genres do you read?
  8. Are the genres you play relate in any way to the genres you read?
  9. Do you think video games and literature can co-exist?
  10. Do you think they can help each other?


  1. Hey Iggy, it's Rachel from class.

    1. Sometimes.
    2. Racing, fighting (super smash, lol), adventure, that's about it.
    3. No, only at friends' places or once in a month-ish.
    4. Action, playful, fun; nothing too serious.
    5. Yes.
    6. Books, blogs, magazines, news articles, textbooks for school.
    7. Usually nonfiction, novels.
    8. I don't believe so. I play video games more for temporary fun, but I tend to read more "serious" or nonfiction books. Perhaps video games are an outlet for me to relax or something.
    9. Definitely.
    10. In some ways, if used correctly, yes. Video games can be an educational source, and I think it's possible to incorporate "lessons" or works of literature into a game-style. I'm sure it's been used before.

    Hope I helped!

  2. 1. Sometimes
    2. Strictly FIFA and Call of Duty so a sports game and shooter.
    3. I would say once every couple of days
    4. mililtary, realistic.
    5. Yes, alot.
    6. Books
    7. Mostly Fiction, Realistic Fiction, and alot of international relation text books
    8. Yes they do because when I read books on the Cold War, Presedential assassinations, and other non fiction and fiction that has political implications, I then play that era in time on any of the Call of Duty games.
    9. No, unless educational content is provided.
    10. Yes, because most children learn more efficiently from a hands on basis.
